Recommendations for Installation Location
Syniti Replicate has been designed to run over a network using client/server technology. Here are some recommendations about the location of the Syniti Replicate installation.
Install Syniti Replicate on the source database system when:
Data to be replicated represents a small portion of the total source data. If you are using filters and performing mapping to only a small number of fields, executing filters and mapping locally (on the same system, or within the same local network) will add minimal load to the network.
The actual time to extract data from the database is particularly long (as can happen with IBM Db2 for i, for instance). In this case, having Syniti Replicate local to the source will not add network overhead to the already slow reader thread.
There are security concerns. If the source database contains critical data that should not be sent to the target, limiting access to applications from an external network and preventing this data from traveling across the network is advisable.
Using the Log Server Agent approach for transactional replications (mirroring and synchronization.) In general, if connections use the Log Server Agent, it is better to install Syniti Replicate local to the source database. It is more efficient to move the Log Server Agent data files across the network than to access and run the Log Server Agent remotely.
Install Syniti Replicate on the target database system when:
The replication process uses several lookup functions on the target database (e.g. when running scripts.) It is more efficient to access target data locally (on the same system, or within the same local network.)
The actual time to write data from the database is particularly long (as can happen with IBM Db2 for i, for instance.) In this case, having Syniti Replicate local to the target will not add network overhead to the already slow writer thread.