MySQL Server Setup

If you are planning to use MySQL version 5.1.5 or above as your source database for mirroring using a transaction log,  you need to perform an additional installation step on the MySQL server: configure MySQL so that Syniti Replicate can read the database's binary log.

Before Syniti Replicate can read the binary log, row-based logging must be enabled for the database. To enable row-based logging, properties must be set in the MySQL Server Instance Configuration file.

  1. Find the file "my.ini" which can be found in the directory where MySQL is installed.
    This file is the "MySQL Server Instance Configuration File".

  2. Open the my.ini.

  3. Scroll to the end of the file and add the following properties:
    #For Syniti Replicate replication

  • log-bin=binlog
    In case users want to locate them, the binlog files are found in directory specified by "datadir" in "my.ini"

  • binlog-format=ROW
    You can force the replication format by starting the MySQL server with --binlog-format=type. When set, all replication slaves connecting to the server will read the events according to this setting. ROW causes replication to be row-based.

  • server-id=<unique_value>
    For each server participating in replication, you should pick a positive integer in the range from 1 to 232 – 1, and each ID must be different from every other ID in use by any other replication master or slave. For example, you could set the value as 123:

  1. Save the my.ini file.

  2. Grant the following privileges to the MySQL user ID that will be used by Syniti Replicate to connect to the database. For example, if the user ID that is used to replicate data is synitidr:
    Flush Privileges;
    Note: For versions of MySQL prior to 5.5, the following permissions also need to be granted:  FILE, SUPER

  3. Restart the server.