Login Dialog

The Login dialog allows you to change the user login details for a particular server. This dialog is useful only if you have set up user access control for a Syniti Replicate installation via the User Settings dialog. Note that if you change the login from one user to another in the same Management Center session, all open SQL Query, Log Viewer and History Viewer tabs are automatically closed to avoid leaving open tabs for which the new login may not have appropriate permissions.  

Server Name

Inactive. Reports the name of the server that you selected in the Metadata Explorer.

Server Address

Inactive. Reports the IP address of the server you selected in the Metadata Explorer.


Inactive. Reports the port number that is being used for the server you selected in the Metadata Explorer.


The options are:

No login details are requested from the user. This is the default setting for installations where security has not been enabled. To enable security, go to the User Settings dialog.

Windows Authentication
If security has been enabled via the User Settings dialog, and you have been directed by your administrator to use Windows Authentication, select this option. Syniti Replicate will verify that your Microsoft Windows login and ID are legitimate before allowing you to continue working in the Management Center.

UserName Authentication
If security has been enabled via the User Settings dialog, and you have been directed by your administrator to use UserName Authentication, select this option, then type your user name and password in the fields below. UserName authentication requires the use of a X.509 certificate. Verify that a certificate has been installed correctly before completing this dialog. If you do not have a correctly installed certificate, you may not be able to use the Management Center.

Certificate Authentication
If Certificate has been enabled via the User Settings dialog, and you have been directed by your administrator to use Certificate Authentication, select this option. Certificate authentication requires the use of a X.509 certificate. Verify that a certificate has been installed correctly before completing this dialog. If you do not have a correctly installed certificate, you may not be able to use the Management Center.

User Name

Active only when UserName Authentication has been selected. Enter the user name assigned to you by the administrator. If you do not know your user name, verify login information with your administrator or try setting the Authentication value to AnonymousAccess (no security) or Windows Authentication (uses your Microsoft Windows login and password.)


Active only when UserName Authentication has been selected. Enter the password assigned to you by the administrator.  Syniti Replicate will verify that your login and ID are legitimate before allowing you to continue working in the Management Center.

 If you do not know your password, verify login information with your administrator or try setting the Authentication value to AnonymousAccess (no security) or Windows Authentication (uses your Microsoft Windows login and password.)

Opening the Login Dialog

This dialog is displayed automatically when a user attempts to access a Syniti Replicate server with established access control. In addition, it is possible to change a user login while using the Management Center. In the Metadata Explorer, select the server for which you want to change the login details, then click Connect in the toolbar or choose Connect from the right mouse button menu.