Multiple Replications Wizard

Define Replication Type> Select Source Connection> Source Log Info> Select Target Connection> Target Log Info> Set Replications> Scheduling> Summary> Processing

This wizard is useful when you want to replicate all or many tables in the same database without defining specific replication needs for each table. It allows you to define multiple replications with a common replication type, common source and target connections and common scheduling needs.

Define Replication Type

Replication Name

Type a base name for each replication. This name will be stored in the metadata and used to identify replications in the Replication Browser. For each replication that you create, a sequential number is added to the base name you have chosen. For example, if you type Pubs-SQLSrv-Access as the base name, the first replication that is created at the end of the wizard will be Pubs-SQLSrv-Access0, the second will be Pubs-SQLSrv-Access1, and so on.  It is helpful to include information about the source and/or target tables in the replication name.


Optional. Type a description for the replication. This information will be stored in the metadata and can be accessed when you need more information about the replication.

Use Group

Check this option to include the current set of replications as part of a group (recommended). You must create the group before running this wizard. Grouped replications do not have their own properties. Properties are set for the entire group so that all replications in the group are executed together. When using the Multiple Replications wizard to create replications for all or most tables in a database, it is recommended that you include them in a group so that all replications are executed together. This optimizes performance by reusing connections and limiting the need to access a transaction log (for mirroring and synchronization replications).

Replication Mode

Choose a replication mode from the options below.


Mass replication is executed once based on the time setting specified in the Scheduling screen. This type of replication is sometimes referred to as a snapshot replication.


Mass replication (refresh) can be executed once in order to fill the target records. Real-time mirroring based on recorded database transactions begins as soon as the refresh changes have taken place. The incremental replication is executed at user pre-determined intervals.


Mass replication (refresh) can be executed once in order to fill the target records. Real-time bi-directional mirroring begins as soon as the refresh changes have taken place. The incremental replication is executed at user pre-determined intervals.

Select Source Connection

This screen lists all the source connections that you have created in Syniti Replicate.

Connection Name

Choose a source connection name from the drop-down list.

Database Name

Choose a database from the drop-down list.

Owner Name

Depending on the RDBMS that you are using as a source, this field may display schemas or libraries. Select an owner (or schema or library) from the drop-down list. Note that if you are replicating tables from the same database, but using  tables with different owners, you will need to run the wizard multiple times, one for each owner.


Source Log Info

This screen is displayed when you have set mirroring as your replication type. It allows you to specify transaction log information that is specific to the database from which you are replicating. For an explanation of fields in this screen, click on the link for your source database below.

Microsoft SQL Server

IBM Db2 for i



Trigger-based Replications

Select Target Connection

Connection Name

Choose a target connection name from the drop-down list. If no target connections are available, you need to exit the wizard and create a target connection.

Target Log Info

This screen is displayed when you have set synchronization as your replication type. It allows you to specify transaction log information that is specific to the database from which you are replicating. For an explanation of fields in this screen, click on the link for your database below.

SQL Server



Trigger-based Replications

Set Replications

Replication List

The Replication List displays a list of possible source table-target table replication pairs, based on information gathered from the source connection. Note that tables in the Target Table column may not yet exist in the target database. By default, all replications in the list are selected for creation. If you proceed from this screen without making any changes, a replication object will be created for each source table-target table replication pair that is displayed. You can:

  • Deselect a pair (i.e. the replication will not be created) by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the Source Table column.

  • Deselect all pairs by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the column headings

  • Select multiple pairs by holding down the <Control> or <Shift> key, then clicking the mouse on pairs, or a range of pairs. Use the Check Selected Tables button to create replications for those pairs.

  • Deselect multiple pairs by holding down the <Control> or <Shift> key, then clicking the mouse on pairs, or a range of pairs. Use the Uncheck Selected Tables button to remove the pairs from the list of replications.

Source Table Column
The Source Table column lists all the table objects found according to the source connection information you provided (database and owner/schema/library.)

Source Type Column
The Source Type column displays the type of table object for the listed table. For example, if your environment consists of tables and views, this column allows you to distinguish between them, and even sort the list based on the type of table object.

Target Table Column
The Target Table column displays all table names matching the source table names, even when the tables do not yet exist in the database. If tables exist in the target database but do not have names that match source table names, you can access these tables using a drop-down list for each replication pair.

Examine each source table-target table pair to determine if you want to proceed with creating a replication for the pair. Your options are:

  • Deselect the pair so that no replication is created.

  • Change the target table by clicking on the target table name and choosing the appropriate table from the drop-down list.

  • Modify the field mappings for a source table-target table pair by clicking to open the Fields Mapping dialog. You can specify which fields to replicate, and whether to map values directly from source to target or to create an expression that modifies the target value.

Mapping Column
Provides a button so that you can set up custom mapping for each pair. In cases where a table has not yet been defined on the target database, you are asked if you want to create the table before proceeding. If the target table already exists, click to open the to open the Fields Mapping dialog.

Mapping Rule
The default mapping rule used by Syniti Replicate when creating replications is to map fields in source and target tables by name. However, you can modify this approach using the options available in the Mapping Rule field. The options are:

Mapping By Name: Maps each source field name to a matching target field name. If the target table exists and field names do not match, no mapping is performed and no replication for these fields will occur.

Mapping By Ordinal: Maps each source field column to a target field column based on its position in the table.

Clear All Mapping: Removes all established mappings, allowing you to create custom mappings for each table.


Enable Replication

Checked by default. When checked, the replication will begin at the scheduled time once the Replicator has been launched. If you uncheck this option, and run the Replicator, the replication will not start at the specified time. A replication must be enable before it can be run.

Start Time

Select a start date and time. When the Replicator is running, this time will be used to determine when to schedule the first replication.

Selecting a Date
You can select a date either by typing in the month, day and year, or by clicking the down arrow to view a scrollable monthly calendar.

To type in a date, first select the month, then type in a new value, then select the day and type in a new value and finally select the year and type in a new value.

If you click the down arrow, it displays the date that corresponds to the value currently set in the field. Use the left and right arrows to locate the month you want, then select a date by clicking on it. The window closes when you select a date and the date is displayed in the Start Time field.

Selecting a Time
To select a time, first select the hours, minutes or seconds, then type a new number or use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the number.

Execute Initial Refresh

Check this option to run a complete replication immediately the replication is enabled and the start time has been reached. Subsequent replications occur only as scheduled below.

For a synchronization replication, the initial refresh is always performed from the source connection to the target connection. Note that any transaction submitted during the time that the refresh is running might not be replicated. It is strongly suggested that you avoid updating the designated source and target tables until the refresh is done.

Refresh Schedule

Run One Time Only
Select this option if you want to replicate data only once.

Run RecurrentlySelect this option if you want to replicate data on a regular schedule. When you select this option, the Schedule button is activated. Click Schedule to open the Scheduler dialog.

Mirroring Schedule

Run Continuously
Select this option to continuously mirror activity between the source and target database. The start of mirroring is determined by settings in the Scheduling screen. If you have enabled replication and set the start time, then mirroring will begin at the start time specified. If you have also checked the option to execute an initial refresh, then mirroring will begin once the database refresh is complete. If Enable Replication is not checked, neither the initial refresh or continuous mirroring will begin at the time specified in Start Time.

Schedule Interruptions
Select this option if you need to schedule one or more interruptions to the mirroring schedule. When you select this option, the Schedule button is activated. Click Schedule to open the Scheduler dialog.


Displays the replication details that you have entered. Click Back to go back and change settings. Click Start to accept the replication settings and create replications for each selected source table-target table pair. Note that if you have installed the Replication Agent as a service and Enable Replication is checked in the Scheduling screen, replication will begin based on your settings in the Scheduling screen.  If you did not install the Repllication Agent as a service, the replication will not run until you start the Replication Agent (and only if the Enable Replication option is checked.)


This screen allows you to observe the creation of replication objects. When complete, you can review the replications in the Metadata Explorer by expanding the Replications node and selecting the Replication Browser tab. You can also review the progress of running replications in the Replication Monitor tab.