What's New in Syniti Replicate 10.5

Here are highlights of the significant changes in 10.5.

New Features

Replicate Client Application

Added the replicate-cli.exe tool to interact with a server agent from a command line, including upgrading and downgrading metadata


All Components

Added Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.0 to allow using Azure SQL with specific authentication settings options. The new SqlClient can be used for existing MSSQL connections.

Management Center

Provided an option to save the Metadata Scanning files on the Replicate Server

Replication Agent

  • We now support serializing dates and times using the Parquet type TIMESTAMP_MILLIS.

  • Introduced a ConvertToDateTime mapping function to convert a decimal field to a datetime when that decimal field contains a datetime.

Bug Fixes


Fixed an issue with record counts and session length not being properly reset when calling HistoryReader.Read() and the resulting message has SessionType.None.

Log Reader

Fixed an issue where mirroring failed with a “Parameter FILE is not a valid name” message when the mirroring was started and records in the source table were updated

Management Center

  • Fixed an obfuscation issue for CSV Replication properties related to “Add Transactional Info”

  • Corrected the deletion and recreation of mirroring staging tables when Refresh Schema Information was performed on an Oracle target

  • Fixed an issue where a timeout error displayed when closing the log viewer of a remote server

  • Fixed an issue where an error displayed when selecting Replication Properties for two different target databases

  • Fixed an issue in PostgreSQL LSA where validating the replication and rebuilding did not set the correct transaction ID

  • Fixed an issue with float data type that was not working properly in the automatic creation for refresh partition

Replication Agent

  • Fixed the mirroring of BLOBs and CLOBs from an Oracle source that resulted in NULL fields in the target

  • Fixed an issue in Parquet serialization where mirroring mode did not keep track of the Transaction ID

  • Fixed an issue where groups could not restart after adding a replication to a group or altering a table

  • Fixed an issue where the Update Statements in the Parquet target file did not retain the same RowID.

  • Fixed an issue in replication to CSV file where SDR added new lines in the CSV file when source data had Carriage Return & Line Feed together. Now, when using Amazon S3, string escape characters are no longer incorrectly duplicated

  • Fixed an issue where special characters caused errors when using the bulk operation feature to move tables to Snowflake

  • Fixed an issue where the NullReferenceException error displayed as a failed refresh when partitions were defined for an SAP RFC based source connection

  • Fixed an issue where an error resulted when running a refresh on any SAP table when the table contained a column titled “OFFSET”, which is a reserved word

Setup Application

Fixed an issue on the setup of the SDR Remote Management Center. Installation now runs successfully without displaying a “Server Agent service was not found” error.