IBM Db2 LUW Transactional Replication Settings

Enable Transactional Replication wizard or the Manage Transactional Log Settings dialog

The information below explains how to configure the transactional replication settings for IBM Db2 LUW i in the Enable Transactional Replication wizard or the Transactional Log Settings dialog available from the Transactional Setup > Manage option on the connection in the Metadata Explorer.

When replicating from IBM Db2 LUW using mirroring or synchronization, two transactional modes are available: Log Reader and Triggers.

Log Reader Settings

To define a mirroring or synchronization replication, you first need to set up stored procedures to access the log on your Db2 system. Before completing this screen, make sure that you have followed all the requirements for your Db2 connection described in IBM Db2 Connection Requirements.

Stored Procedures Schema Name

The default value provided is the ID of the user specified in the Db2 connection. The value can be edited to reflect whichever schema you want to use for the log reading stored procedures. There are a total of three procedures created:
The library/dll has 3 stored procedures:

  • LOGVER03 is used to identify the version of the stored procedures/library so that a mismatched version is not used

  • CURLSN03 is used to find and retrieve the current LSN or Transaction ID in the Db2 log

  • LOGREC03 is used to read and retrieve changed records from the Db2 log

Log Reader Library Version

A read-only field that displays the version of the file you copied from the ServerFiles/Db2UDB folder to your Db2 Server function folder. See IBM Db2 Connection Requirements for information on the files to copy and additional setup requirements.

Verify  (available only in the Manage Transactional Log Settings dlialog)

Click Verify to check that:

  • Log-based transactional replication is supported for the Db2 version that you are using

  • The stored procedures that Syniti DR will use are installed on the server.

To later remove the stored procedures from the server, use the Disable Transactional Replication wizard available from the Transactional Setup  > Disable option on the connection in the Metadata Explorer.

Triggers Settings

Related Topics
IBM Db2 Connection Requirements
Trigger-based Setup Info