Client and Server Security Options

Syniti Data Replication can be used in several different configurations, and each configuration has different data security needs. In the descriptions below, Syniti DR client can be either an installation of the Management Center or an application using the Syniti DR API to control the Replication Agent.

Syniti DR Client and Server Agent on a Single System

Security threats are typically not present, so Anonymous Authentication is appropriate, unless you want to define user IDs control access to Syniti DR tools. In this case, Windows authentication may be appropriate because it does not require the installation of an X.509 certificate. Syniti DR uses TCP/IP as a protocol for both Anonymous Authentication and Windows Authentication.

Syniti DR Client and Server Agent in an Intranet Trusted Environment

This type of environment would include the situation where an additional Management Center is installed on a second system within a secure intranet for monitoring or use by a second user. Security threats are typically not present, so Anonymous Authentication is appropriate, unless you want to define user IDs control access to Syniti DR tools. In this case, Windows authentication may be appropriate because it does not require the installation of an X.509 certificate. Syniti DR uses TCP/IP as a protocol for both Anonymous Authentication and Windows Authentication.

It is also possible to establish UserName Authentication, setting up user IDs and passwords specific to Syniti DR. However, UserName authentication also requires the installation of a X.509 security certificate on the system where the Server Agent is installed. Choose TCP/IP as the protocol in this scenario.

Syniti DR Client and Server Agent in an Internet Environment

The Server Agent and the Syniti DR client application, a custom application using the Syniti DR API, for example, run on different servers over the internet. In this case, communication occurs over a firewall and messages may be redirected over channels which are not securable. The recommended authentication modes are UserName or Certificate Authentication, using the HTTP protocol to cross the firewall.

UserrName authentication requires the installation of a X.509 security certificate in the server environment.

Certificate Authentication requires the installation of a X.509 security certificate in the client and server environments.

Related Topics
Installing a Certificate
User Settings Dialog